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About France

France which officially known as the French Republic is considered as worlds one of the most powerful country and powerful economies. The country is not only part of the European Union, but also owns a permanent seat in the United Nations. France enjoys its global dominance dating back to the 16th century and ever since not only that they have supremacy in various countries; they still enjoy a very strong influence in their colonies.

The Economy is mixed with both private and state participation. Whilst most of Infrastructure, railway, electricity, aircraft, nuclear, and telecommunications have been controlled by the state.

Whilst Agriculture still remains one of the key sectors, French are famous for Champagne and Wines, Wheat, poultry, dairy, beef, and pork, as well as internationally recognized processed foods.

France is also being famous for Fashion hosts a variety of Textiles, Perfumeries, and Cosmetic companies

Country Facts


Basic Details
RegionWestern Europe
Capital CityParis
Government TypeSemi-Presidential Republic
Official LanguagesFrench
CurrencyEuro, EUR, CFP franc
Phone Code +33
National DayIndependence Day (22nd Sep )
GDP (nominal)USD 3049.016 Billion
Ease of Doing Business Ranking32
Primary IndustriesEnergy, Manufacturing and Technology, Transport, Agriculture, Tourism, chemical industry, fashion industry,
Foreign Relations
Bordering NationsBelgium, switzerland, Italy, Spain
Member ofAsian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB), Antarctic treaty system(ATS), Council of Europe(COE), European Communities(EC), European Economic Area(EEA), European Economic Community(EEC), European Union(EU), Group of 10(G10), Group of 20(G20), Group of 7(G7), Group of 8+5(G8+5), International Monetary Fund(IMF), North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation Development(OECD), Organisation internationale de la Francophonie(OIF), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe(OSCE), Pacific Community(SPC), Regional Cooperation Council(RCC), United Nations(UN), Union for the Mediterranean(UfM), World Trade Organization(WTO), Southeast Asia Treaty Organization(SEATO)
Major ExportsCosmetics and Accessories, Hides, Leather & Tannery, Cereals & Pulses, Gems & Jewellery, Fashion and Apparel, Books and Papers, Mining, Metals & Minerals, Rubber and Products, Marine Vessels, Food & Beverages, Spirits & Vinegar, Animal Meat and Food Preperations, Retail & Fmcg Products, Wood and Pulp, Edible Oils & Seeds, Vegetables and Related Products
Major ImportsMining, Metals & Minerals, Plastics and Products, Chemical Products, Fashion and Apparel, Books and Papers, Cosmetics and Accessories, Gems & Jewellery, Rubber and Products, Fisheries, Sea Food & Crustaceans, Fruits and Nuts, Hides, Leather & Tannery, Glass and glassware, Edible Oils & Seeds, Food & Beverages, Spirits & Vinegar, Vegetables and Related Products
Total Exports ValueUSD 606.853 Billion
Total Imports ValueUSD 811.681 Billion
Foreign Trade BalanceUSD 204.828 Billion (Deficit)
Foreign Relations with India
Trade Agreements with Indiabilateral relations, Bilateral Trade in Goods, Double Taxation Avoidance Convention (DTAC), Social Security Exemption Agreement (SSA), Bilateral Cooperation in Food Industries Sector, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), bilateral commercial relations
Major Exports to IndiaAviation Vehicles, Machinery & Appliances, Electrical Products, Instruments & Optical Solutions, Plastics and Products, Chemical Products, Rubber and Products, Cosmetics and Accessories, Mining, Metals & Minerals, Cereals & Pulses, Hides, Leather & Tannery, Gems & Jewellery, Wood and Pulp, Retail & Fmcg Products, Ceramic Products
Major Imports from IndiaMining, Metals & Minerals, Chemical Products, Fashion and Apparel, Gems & Jewellery, Hides, Leather & Tannery, Cosmetics and Accessories, Silk & Textiles, Rubber and Products, Fisheries, Sea Food & Crustaceans, Edible Oils & Seeds, Plastics and Products, Building & Construction Products & Services, Food & Beverages, Spirits & Vinegar, Glass and glassware
India's Imports ValueUSD 6,201.05 Million
India's Exports ValueUSD 7,610.06 Million
Trade Balance with IndiaUSD 1 Million (Deficit)
Indian Embassy Details for FranceEmbassy of India
H.E. Jawed Ashraf
Honourable Ambassador
13-15, Rue Alfred Dehodencq, 75016, Paris, France
00 33 1 40 50 70 70

Consulate General of India in Reunion Island
Mr. Bhupendra Singh
Consul General
111, Rue Leopold Rambaud, 97490 Sainte Clotilde, Reunion Island
00262 262 41 75 47

Embassy Details of France in IndiaEmbassy of France
H.E. Mr. Thierry Mathou
2/50 E, ShantipathChanakyapuriNew Delhi-110021
+91-11-2419 6100 (O)

Consulate General of France in Pondicherry
Ms. Lise Talbot Barre
Consul General
2, rue de la Marine Pondicherry 605 001
+91-0413-2233 4174 (O)

Consulate General of France in Mumbai
Mr Jean-Marc Sere-Charlet
Consul General
Hoechst House - 7th Floor Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021
+91-22-66694000 (O)

Consulate General of France in Bengaluru
Mr. Thierry Berthelot
Consul General
21, Palace Road Vasanthnagar
080-22141200 (O)

Consulate General of France in Kolkata
Mr Didier Talpain
Consul General
21 C Raja Santosh Road Alipore
033-40163200 (O)

Honorary Consulate of France in chennai
H.E. Ms. Raja M. Kausalya Devi Aparao
Honorary Consul
Shri Vaishnavi 33, Kasturi Ranga Road Alwarpet Chennai-600 018
+91-44-4208 8766 (O)