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About Norway

Norway, officially known as the Kingdom of Norway is a Nordic Scandinavian country encompassing mountains, glaciers, and deep coastal fjords. The country historically famous for Norsemen

The country has high GDP and is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. They are one of the most stable and reputed countries and has a high human development index.

The economy is a mixed economy having a combination of free market and state ownership of key sectors.

The country has rich reserves of natural resources including petroleum, hydropower, fish, forests, and minerals. Forestry through earlier was a thriving industry, due to the UN Climate summit, Norway banned deforestation activities. However the fishing industry is a significant sector in Norway.

Country Facts


Basic Details
RegionNordic Region
Capital CityOslo
Government TypeParliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Official LanguagesNorwegian, Romani
CurrencyNorwegian krone, NOK
Phone Code +47
Important CitiesOslo, Trondheim, Stavanger, Baerum
National DayIndependence Day (7th-june)
GDP (nominal)USD 546.768 Billion
Ease of Doing Business Ranking9
Primary Industriespetroleum (or oil) production, hydro-power, aquaculture, shipping, and tourism
Foreign Relations
Bordering NationsSweden, Finland
Member ofAntarctic treaty system(ATS), Council of Europe(COE), European Free Trade Association(EFTA), North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation Development(OECD), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe(OSCE), Regional Cooperation Council(RCC), United Nations(UN), World Trade Organization(WTO)
Major ExportsMining, Metals & Minerals, Fisheries, Sea Food & Crustaceans, Other Products, Machinery & Appliances, Electrical Products, Instruments & Optical Solutions, Chemical Products, Automobiles, Vehicles & Components, Marine Vessels, Gems & Jewellery, Wood and Pulp, Pharmaceutical Products, Plastics and Products
Major ImportsAutomobiles, Vehicles & Components, Mining, Metals & Minerals, Electrical Products, Household Items & Products, Chemical Products, Instruments & Optical Solutions, Food & Beverages, Spirits & Vinegar, Wood and Pulp, Edible Oils & Seeds, Marine Vessels, Other Products, Fashion and Apparel, Aviation Vehicles
Total Exports ValueUSD 271.667 Billion
Total Imports ValueUSD 107.269 Billion
Foreign Trade BalanceUSD 164.398 Billion (Excess)
Foreign Relations with India
Trade Agreements with Indiabilateral trade
Major Exports to IndiaMining, Metals & Minerals, Other Products, Electrical Products, Chemical Products, Instruments & Optical Solutions, Machinery & Appliances, Plastics and Products, Fisheries, Sea Food & Crustaceans, Wood and Pulp, Pharmaceutical Products, Dairy, Eggs, Honey, & Edible Products, Cereals & Pulses, Building & Construction Products & Services
Major Imports from IndiaFood & Beverages, Spirits & Vinegar, Mining, Metals & Minerals, Chemical Products, Fashion and Apparel, Electrical Products, Silk & Textiles, Machinery & Appliances, Hides, Leather & Tannery, Gems & Jewellery, Rubber and Products, Cosmetics and Accessories, Plastics and Products, Building & Construction Products & Services
India's Imports ValueUSD 938.06 Million
India's Exports ValueUSD 569.19 Million
Trade Balance with IndiaUSD 368.87 Million (Excess)
Indian Embassy Details for NorwayEmbassy of India
H.E. Dr. Acquino Vimal
Honourable Ambassador
Niels Juels Gate 30, 0244 Oslo, Norway

Embassy Details of Norway in IndiaRoyal Norwegian Embassy
H.E. Mrs. May-Elin Stener
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
50-C, ShantipathChanakyapuriNew Delhi-110021
+91-11- 41363200 (O)

Consulate General of Norway in Mumbai
Ms. Monica Ommundsen Nagelgaard
Consul General
31 Nathelal Parekh Marg Mumbai 400039
+91 22 22842042

Honorary Consulate of Norway in Chennai
H.E. Mr. Arvind Gopinath
Honorary Consul
44/45 Rajaji Salai, Chennai 600001
+91-44-25245314 (O)

Honorary Consulate of Norway in Kolkata
H.E. Ms. Nayantara Pal Choudhury
Honorary Consul
5B, Rawdon Street, Kolkata 700 017
+91-33-22478804 (O)