Dec 28: Shi Alok Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Power and Dr Samir V Kamat, Secretary, of Department of Defence (R&D) & Chairman, DRDO, signed for MoU
Ministry of Power and DRDO will jointly work towards developing suitable mitigation measures against avalanches, landslides, glaciers, glacial lakes and other geo-hazards.
The expertise of DRDO will also be utilized in developing a comprehensive Early Warning System for vulnerable hydro projects/ power stations in hilly regions.
The Ministry of Power signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Ministry of Defence today here for the Implementation of an Early Warning System for Vulnerable Hydro Projects/Power Stations. The MoU was signed by Shi Alok Kumar, Secretary, of the Ministry of Power and Dr Samir V Kamat, Secretary, of the Department of Defence (R&D) & Chairman, of the DRDO.
Ministry of Power and DRDO will jointly work towards developing suitable mitigation measures against avalanches, landslides, glaciers, glacial lakes and other geo-hazards. The expertise of DRDO will also be utilized in developing comprehensive Early Warning Systems for vulnerable hydro projects/ power stations in hilly regions. Separate and specific tasks will be formulated between DRDO & respective project developer(s) in agreement with the broad understanding developed through this MoU.
Under the visionary leadership of Union Minister of Power & NRE, Shri R. K. Singh, the Ministry of Power has taken the initiative of implementing an Early Warning System (EWS) in the Hydro Power Projects especially those located in the upper reaches of Hilly regions. EWS is an integrated system of hazard monitoring, forecasting and prediction, disaster risk assessment, communication and preparedness for timely action to reduce disaster risks in advance of hazardous events. The Ministry of Power has already signed MoUs with CSIR-NGRI, IMD, WIHG and NRSC-ISRO for the implementation of EWS.