Jul 23: Today while laying the foundation stone of Manipur Water Supply Project, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a call to farmers to start growing Palm Plantation along with Bamboo and Organic Products. In his address he said
” I have been saying that the northeast can become the organic capital of the country. I want to say one more thing. The other day I met some agricultural scientists and agricultural economists. They told me an interesting thing. They said that if the farmers in the North-East can start palmolein cultivation, then the country, the North-East and the farmers there can benefit a lot. Today palmolein oil has an assured market in India. If the North-East farmer does organic farming and cultivates palmolein too, you can imagine how you can serve India in such a great way. How will we give a new momentum to our economy? I would also urge all the state governments of the region to launch a Palmolein Mission in their respective states. Educate and motivate the farmers and we can hold a meeting and plan about how to help the farmers in this endeavour”
It may be noted that India imports Palm oil to the tune of 9.3 Million Tonnes from Countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia which is about 60% of our imports and 40% of our total usage. There is a serious need for India to start Palm Oil Cultivation to reduce the imports and add to the foreign exchange.
Prime Minister is expected to declare the National Mission on Edible Oils on 15th August 2020 to support increase the production of Edible Oil in India and become self-sufficient.
Come and Participate in the upcoming 24th Anniversary event of GLOBOIL, a much-awaited event in the Edible Oil and Agri Trade Industry which is being held on 30th October 2020 to 1st November 2020 at Taj, Goa. The hybrid event will have both Physical and Virtual Presence. For Event Participation, Tickets and other details