
Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 40/2024

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs as a result of this determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 7th June 2024, to import and export goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No.68/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 22nd September 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No.57/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 4th Aug 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No.54/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 21st July 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No.50/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 07th July 2023., for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 42/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs as a result of this determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 13th June 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 40/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs as a result of this determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 8th June 2023., for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 39/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs as a result of this determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 2nd June 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 33/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 21st April 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 29/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 21st April 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 26/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 7th April 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 15/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 17th March 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 12/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 3rd March 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 10/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 17th February 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 08/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 3rd February 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 05/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 20th January 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


Customs Exchange Rate Notification No. 02/2023

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 6th January 2023, for the purpose of importing and exporting goods. […]


New Customs Exchanges Rates released

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 16th December, 2022 for the purpose of imported and export goods […]


New Exchange Rates

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies with effect from 4th November, 2022 for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]


New Exchange Rates released

the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs has determined the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 21st October, 2022 for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]


New Currency Exchange Notification released

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, with effect from 16th September, 2022, for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]

Foreign Relations

New Exchange Rates Notified

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies with effect from 2nd September, 2022 for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]


New Exchange Rates published

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs has determined the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]


Exchange Rates w.e.f 21 Jan 22

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs has determined the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]


New Exchange rate notification

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby has determined the rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currencies for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]


Currency Exchange Rates Released

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]


New Forex Rates w.e.f. 4 Nov 21

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of foreign currencies for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]


Exchange Rate Notifications

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency or vice versa, shall, with effect from 17th September, 2021 for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]

Foreign Relations

New Exchange Rates w.e.f. 20th Aug 2021

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currencies into Indian currency with effect from 20th August, 2021 for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods. […]