AI to make roads in India safer to drive
Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered solutions may soon make roads in India a safer place to drive. […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered solutions may soon make roads in India a safer place to drive. […]
HANSA-NG 2 seaters flying trainer Aircraft, designed & Developed by CSIR-NAL, has successfully completed an in-flight engine relight test at DRDO’s Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) facility, Challakere on 17th May 2022 […]
Dr. Jitendra Singh today released “Biotech-PRIDE (Promotion of Research and Innovation through Data Exchange) Guidelines” developed by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology. […]
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and CSIR have signed MoU to support the development, conduct and promotion of health research in India […]
Innovative low-cost intervention tackles water supply challenges in Maharashtra towns; These solutions will minimize the need for costly infrastructure components and improve the operation of the system […]
India’s global position rises both in innovations & publications; The movement to convert ideas to usable technologies and then to scale them up has now spread through the country; […]
Ultra-high mobility electron gas can increase information transfer speed &data storage density in quantum devices; Scientists at INST, Mohali, Punjab have produced an ultra-high mobility 2d-electron gas (2DEG) […]
International Science Literature Festival – VIGYANIKA organized to mark the birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan; Women Scientists and Entrepreneurs Conclave, Wellness Conclave, Philosophy and Science, and Industry Academia Conclave draw large participation […]
ARCI and IIT-H Scientists develop high-performance hybrid supercapacitors with novel electrode material; The device could pave way for next-generation high power-high energy storage devices for day to day use […]
Swarna Jayanti Fellow to work on Metal CO2 battery which can reduce payload mass & launch costs of planetary missions; Prof Chandra Shekhar Sharma, from IIT Hyderabad recently demonstrated the technical feasibility of Lithium- CO2 battery in simulated Mars atmosphere for the first time, patent filed for the technology […]
Young scientists share innovative ideas in a range of areas at the SCO Young Scientist Conclave; Dr. Harsh Vardhan exhorts the astute scientists at the 1st SCO Young Scientist Conclave to ‘Innovate, Patent, Produce & Prosper’ to lead our countries towards faster development; A roadmap for networking and collaboration in these areas prepared with provisions for exchange of young scientists across the SCO member states […]
ARTPARK to usher in a new model of industry, academia, and government collaboration in AI & Robotics for societal impact, The triple helix of industry, academia, and the government sets a template of partnership in the frontier areas of technology– a theme which will receive focus in the soon to be released STIP2020: Professor Ashutosh Sharma, DST Secretary, Some of these facilities will be key enablers for whole new sets of technologies, products, and services;
One such service will be BhashaSetu – that will enable real-time Indic language translation, both of speech to speech and speech to text […]
The Government of India (GOI) has announced the third stimulus package of Rs. 900 Crore for the Mission COVID Suraksha- The Indian COVID-19 Vaccine Development Mission. This grant will be provided to the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) […]
CSIR–AMPR to highglight Traditional Artisans and Crafts Expo at the India International Science Festival 2020 (IISF2020): CSIR organizes pre-Events for IISF-2020 in various states to generate awareness
“Our premier institution – the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) – is involved in the trial of COVID-19 vaccines’ executions. India is also hosting clinical trials for all the major vaccine contenders. About 30 vaccines are in different stages of development in India. […]
The clouds are becoming clearer in the search for a new kind of life in the universe. Scientists have established some empirical relationships enabling the use of spectral indices for finding the fundamental parameters of M dwarf stars that could identify them as potentially habitable. […]
Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA) and Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) have granted a conditional exemption to the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics(ICRISAT) […]
The Science, Technology and Innovation Ministers of the BRICS grouping (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) met on November 13 evening through a virtual platform to discuss S & T cooperation among the member countries. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia organized the meeting, Russian Federation being the Chair for 12th BRICS Summit. […]
Indian scientists have developed an eco-friendly smart screen from groundnut shells that could help not only in preserving privacy but also in energy conservation by controlling light and heat passing through it and reducing air conditioning load. […]
2020 Physics Nobel Laureate Prof. Andrea Ghez had worked closely with Indian astronomers on the design of back-end instruments and possible science prospects of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project being installed at Maunakea in Hawaii, which can revolutionized the understanding of the universe and the enigmas in it. […]
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has congratulated the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and India’s space industry for the successful launch of the PSLV-C49/EOS-01 Mission. […]
Dr. Harsh Vardhan gives away Gandhian Young Technological Awards in two categories -SITARE-GYTI and SRISTI-GYTI awards; Fourteen awards and eleven appreciationsunder SITARE-GYTI, and Seven awards and 16 appreciations under SRISTI-GYTI presented; “Over Rs. ten Crores worth of other awards and investment mobilized by SITARE-GYTI winners so far, besides 89 publications, and 39 patents” […]
India’s public broadcaster Prasar Bharati entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Bhaskaracharya National Institute for Space Applications and Geo-Informatics, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology today. […]
VAIBHAV proposes a comprehensive roadmap for leveraging expertise/knowledge of global Indian researchers to address emerging challenges for universal development
India progressing rapidly towards the goal of indigenously made Supercomputers; National Super Computing Mission (NSM) is boosting high power computing in the country
India has been designated the ‘Vice-Chair’ of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Working Group of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), recognizing the contribution of the Indian GLP program. […]
CSIR-KPIT demonstrates Hydrogen Fuel Cell fitted car; The heart of the PEM fuel cell technology includes the membrane electrode assembly, which is wholly a CSIR know-how […]
DST collaborates with IBM to build STEM career opportunities for girl students
IPFT develops Bio-Pesticide Formulation for insect control in seed spice crops as a safe alternative to chemical pesticides
CSIR-CMERI Transfers technology of Community-level Water Purification system by High Flow Rate Fluoride & Iron Removal
Encouraging school children to innovate is broadening the base of the innovation pyramid
Krishna-Godavari (KG) basin, an excellent source of fuel methane; Methane hydrate deposits in this basin are a rich source that will ensure adequate supplies of methane, a natural gas […]
“It is amazing to see the breadth of work Prof. C.R. Rao has taken on” — Principal Scientific Advisor Professor K. Vijay Raghavan
Newly discovered interaction between light and molecules can power optical devices
Scientists have developed a neural-based (machine learning-based) practical approach for automatic interpretation of 3D seismic data
CSIR-CMERI develops Affordable Solar Powered Battery based Sprayers to tackle Water Crisis in Agriculture
A brochure featuring Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) under the National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations (NIDHI) program was launched by DST at NIDHI-EIR Family. […]
Eleven teams of Indian and US scientists will soon start jointly scouting for out of the box solutions ranging from novel early diagnostic tests, antiviral therapy, drug repurposing, ventilator research, disinfection machines, and sensor-based symptom tracking for COVID 19. […]
CSIR-CMERI has developed the World’s Largest Solar Tree, which is installed at CSIR-CMERI Residential Colony, Durgapur. Prof.(Dr.) Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI, while elaborating about the technology stated that, “The installed capacity of the Solar Tree is above 11.5 kWp. It has the annual capacity to generate 12,000-14,000 units of Clean and Green Power”.
The future trend in Agriculture would be driven by Artificial Intelligence and Efficient Electronic Architecture; CSIR-CMERI will be launching the First Generation E-Tractors in the month of September, 2020, which has the potential to overhaul the current Diesel-intensive Tractor usage practices prevalent across the nation. […]
ARCI scientists convert Tamarind seeds and cotton waste to make low-cost supercapacitors for energy storage […]
CeNSE doctors make Wearable ACS sensors that can retract information from human body […]
IIT Madras start-up set up portable hospital infrastructure with Foldable, portable, pre-fab hospitals that are easy to assemble on-site quickly for COVID19 […]
NRDC and NAL to incubate aerospace engineering start-ups. They would be incubated, mentored and supported for product and prototype development and their validation […]
Bengaluru scientists have fabricated transparent and flexible EMI shields made of metal meshes using the crack templating to be used in Stealth operations […]
8 teams of researchers from India and the US have received awards for research in pathogenesis and disease management of COVID-19 through Indo-US virtual networks […]
Indigenous Air Unique-quality Monitoring (AUM) Photonic System developed for Real-Time Remote Monitoring of Air Quality
Election Commission of India, in partnership with Tamil Nadu e-governance Agency, organized a webinar on “Technology aspects of remote voting: Exploring Blockchain” […]
India-Canada IC-IMPACTS Annual Research Conference discusses ways of taking cooperation to a new level; Prof. Ashutosh Sharma: “Methods should be explored to take the cooperation between the two countries to a different level. Best practices in the areas of women in science, technology deployment, diversity in science, and STEM at schools could be shared between them, besides exploring new research in Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Sciences, and Electric Mobility”; Dr. Renu Swarup emphasizes on the need to initiate new collaborations and networking with the Canadian government and institutions; IC-IMPACT has resulted in 1,129 publications, 63 bilateral research projects, 24 technology deployments, 352 partnerships, and 29 patents and technology disclosures
Webinar on New Technologies for various Products related to COVID 19 for MSMEs with focus of Water Purification Technologies
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