
RBI granted an IFC status IREDA

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) granted an ‘Infrastructure Finance Company (IFC)’ status to Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) today. It was earlier classified as an ‘Investment and Credit Company (ICC)’. […]


GoI announces auction for Sale (Issue / Re-issue) of different government securities

The government of India (GoI) has announced the Sale (Issue/re-issue) of (i) ‘New Government Security 2024’ for a notified amount of `4,000 crores (nominal) through yield-based auction using a uniform price method; (ii) ‘‘7.10% Government Security 2029’ for a notified amount of `7,000 crores (nominal) through price based auction using uniform price method; (iii) ‘6.54% Government Security, 2032’ for a notified amount of `13,000 crores (nominal) through price based auction using uniform price method; and (iv) ‘6.95% Government Security 2061’ for a notified amount of `9,000 crores (nominal) through price based auction using multiple price method. […]


Govt Opens Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme V

In terms of Government of India Notification No.4(4)-B/(W&M)/2020 dated April 13, 2020, Sovereign Gold Bonds 2020-21 (Series V) will be opened for the period August 03-07, 2020 with Settlement date August 11, 2020. The issue price of the Bond during the subscription period shall be `5,334 (Rupees Five thousand Three hundred thirty four only) – per gram, as also published by RBI in their Press Release dated July 31, 2020. […]


Govt Announces Auction for Sale (Re-issue) GS 2025, GS 2034 and GS 2050 securities

The Government of India (GoI) has announced the Sale (Re-issue) of (i) ‘5.22% Government Stock, 2025’ for a notified amount of Rs 12,000 crore (nominal) through price based auction, (ii) ‘6.19 percent Government Stock, 2034’ for a notified amount of Rs 11,000 crore (nominal) through price based auction, and (iii) ‘7.16 per cent Government Stock, 2050’ for a notified amount of Rs 7,000 crore (nominal) through price based auction. […]